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Tag Archives: Fashion

Forever 21 Magazine

This is the first issue of the Forever 21 Magazine we shot a while back.  We shot the entire magazine, cover to cover, in the course of about three days.

Forever 21 Campaign… in the rain!

I mentioned recently how cold and rainy the weather has been… in the last couple months I’ve probably had to do more shoots in the rain than I’ve had to do in my entire career before that!  Well here is another one, a campaign we shot for Forever 21 a few weeks ago. It was raining […]

Forever 21 Fashion Shoot in Studio

Swimwear in the Studio

Here is a recent swimwear look book we shot in studio for Forever 21.  Also below you can see the image we delivered to Forever 21 with the orange cutout props provided by the client, and how the graphic designers changed them in post.


We haven’t posted on here for a while…. it’s been crazy busy!!  In just the last two and a half weeks we have had 11 different jobs, both still and film shoots!  That kind of pace really wears on me and my crew, so we have to blow off steam somehow….. and here is the […]

Here comes Valentine’s Day!!

A Valentine’s Day themed shoot for Forever 21 by Christopher Kilkus

Posters at Forever 21 Cerritos Superstore

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I was at the Cerritos Mall today and stopped by Forever 21’s massive new store.  You may have heard they bought many of the old Mervyn’s department stores, and this is one of the first to make the complete transformation.  The space is huge and really well designed, it’s very impressive!  They must be […]

Wet Seal Fashion Campaign

Teen Magazine Circus Prom Shoot

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Here is a story I shot for the Prom issue of Teen Magazine.  With this client, I just give them all the raw images from the shoot, and their art director makes selections and sends it out to their own retouchers. I don’t usually see how the story is going to turn out until […]

Forever21 Ad Campaign

Here are some images from an ad campaign I shot for Forever21.  These ended up on billboards around the country, including one printed about 40 feet tall in Times Square.