I was surfing through some fashion blogs and stumbled on this posting from Fashion Blog Mexico. They show how to use pages from a magazine for wrapping paper, and happen to be using a magazine I shot for Forever 21 in their example. Too funny! I don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted! Haha!
(Translation courtesy of Google)
DIY Gift Wrapping with fashion magazine
You probably have around your house several old magazines that do not re-read but not get rid of them “just deal”, well I do that, but I recently saw the need to wrap a birthday present and thought recycle fashion magazine to wrap, to be different and a bit more friendly to the planet earth. This idea is fabulous now come the holidays, is a good way to be creative, save some money and recycle old magazines.
For this DIY you need:
– Fashion Magazine
– Safe (I used one of Boa Accessories, truly a gift wrapped)
– Scissors
– Tape
– Ribbon for decoration gift
Step by step
1. Flip through the magazine and select two or three pages and you want to use as many great your gift. I chose a two-page editorial. Arráncalas and cut the edge to become straight.
2. Une pages you cut with tape, what you see in the image is what is on the inside of the gift, you can paste more pages up or sideways as you need, the idea is to build a “statement” to put wrapping paper the box.
3. Now wrap the box as if it were any typical gift paper.
4. Once wrapped the box you can decorate it with ribbons, you can do it with a thick cloth ribbon and make a big bow top, or decorate with ribbon wrapping paper and put a cut some figure in the center.
Yo recorté una flor de una de las páginas de la revista y la use como centro para los listones. No te preocupes si el corte no es perfecto, esos detalles son parte del encanto.
Ready! No one will have a gift wrapped like yours. This DIY was inspired by my sister, who is a freak of the environment and forces me to recycle, I thought it was more about a gift of recycled wrapping paper and elegant chignon, and apparently I managed.