The first online fashion magazine I came across was Hint Magazine way back in 1999….. it was a completely new field then and even some of the biggest printed fashion magazines didn’t even have a real website yet. In the years since both online fashion magazines as well as fashion blogs have grown both in number and stature. Hint never really published fashion editorials, but it was a great outlet for news and insight on everything about fashion. But there are many online only magazines now that publish original fashion editorials with some interesting work by up and coming photographers. Not long ago an established fashion photographer wouldn’t even think of doing an online only editorial because it was looked on as a step down from print. But today you can find some great work online, work that never even makes it into print. So here are some online only fashion magazines that I follow regularly. I know there are a ton more out there, and I’m sure many I have never even heard of! So please send me your favorite online magazines so I can check them out too 🙂 Here is the latest issue